Monday, December 29, 2014

7 Resolutions for the New Year

The dawn of a new year brings about a brand new reason to get some things in our lives order.  We call these things resolutions.  Although for some people resolutions can be more daunting than inspiring, for others it’s just what the doctor ordered.  Here are the habits I plan to adopt starting January 2015:

I plan to...
1. Persistently Pray - Time with the Lord must be planned.  It doesn’t just happen.  Someone once said when you fail to pray you fail to involve God in your day.  I intend to start each day with an invitation addressed to God; giving him full permission to lead and guide my footsteps.  My prayer life has grown quite a bit in the last few years, but this year I want an even deeper commitment to pray, reflect, and listen.  The discipline that this requires is definitely a challenge, but I’ll start with scheduling the time, getting a pen and paper, and opening The Good Book.

2. Manage Each Moment -  I remember someone once told me how much they regretted watching a particular movie, because they would never get those two hours back.  I thought about their reasoning and even though it seemed extreme, it was in fact very true. Every moment lived is a moment that can never be lived again. So I intend to spend my time wisely.  We all know finding time to work is important, but making time to play (rest) is equally important.  And each should be done with great intention.

3. Maintain a Minimalistic Mindset - I recently told my sister about the two women living inside of me. (I’m only joking...kinda lol)  One loves to save money.  She thinks she has enough and needs nothing more.  But then there’s the other one that wants to go SHOPPING!  She loves stuff and doesn’t believe she can ever have enough.  I fight with each of them from time to time, but in my heart of hearts I am most like the first woman.  I fully believe the only thing wrong with wanting more is that it’s never enough.  So in 2015, I intend to be thankful and to control my impulsive nature by making financial goals and by taking on the challenge to creatively use what I already have.

4. Live Long (and Strong) - One thing money can’t buy is the feeling of accomplishment after climbing 14 flights of stairs (I literally had to do that once, when the elevators were down in my apartment building), the satisfaction of running a mile in record time, or the relief of leaving the doctor’s office with a good report.  There’s no use in having money if you’re not around to spend it.  Your health is your wealth.  So I intend to manage my health by scheduling time to exercise weekly and committing to a daily diet that includes vegetables, fruits, and grains. 

5. Hope Higher - “You have not because you ask not.”  What more needs to be said?  Little hope produces little results.  So I intend to hope BIG, ask BIG, and in turn experience GREATNESS.  Greatness in my finances, greatness for my family, and greatness in my home. I do believe God is able to do literally anything but fail. I intend to see His fingerprints in every area of my life.

6. Build my Back - There’s a prayer I once heard that ended with ‘instead of asking God to remove the mountain ask Him to strengthen your back for the climb.‘   I am no longer interested in an easy life.  Ease will never produce greatness; it only breeds apathy.  I intend to pursue the strength it takes to endure the storms of life and be able to tell the story of how I got over.  Nothing worth having ever comes easy, so looking for ease is now a thing of the past.  (I have a feeling this is going to be an easier said than done resolution.) 

7. Consistently Connect - My dad always says there are two things in life that will change you: good books and good people.  In 2015 I intend to surround myself with good people.  In times past, I became so busy doing things that seemed important I failed to establish and/or maintain relationships with good people, abandoning the accompanying benefits. And it’s not just about becoming at beneficiary but becoming a good person someone else can benefit from.  Friends are so often underrated, next year I want to invest more and reap more in this area.

-walkthetalk in 2015

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