Monday, November 24, 2014

So What Are We Thankful For?

 The pictures and video say it all but just in case it's not as obvious as we thought this is what we're thankful for...

I’m thankful for my locs.  Don’t judge me. Hear me out.  I totally thank GOD that my hair turned out alright.  Last April when I took the big step of locking my free natural hair, I wasn’t sure of what the outcome would be.  I wasn’t sure if I could survive the hardship that especially takes place in the 1st  8 weeks of starting locs.  And I wasn’t sure of who to choose to start my locs. I knew that I didn’t want them to be too skinny, but at the same time I didn’t want them to be too fat either.  But here we are, about 1.5 years into this journey and I’m loving it.  This style rocks and is so convenient for my life. Thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ... (II Cor 2:14)
Look at me now!


(clap, clap, clap) "mama-say-mama-sa-mama-coosa" GET IT BABE!

I am thankful for MUSIC!  That's right anything that can make my husband, who is a marketing strategist and the smartest man I know, move like this is my absolute favorite! HA!
But honestly, with all the transition going on in my life (getting married, moving to Chicago, going to a new church, being unemployed) I'm void of everything familiar outside of music.  I mean even on a bad day after playing Kim Walker's "I Found You," Jonathon McReynold's "I'm Coming Out" or the entire PTX Vol. 1 album, I find my hands lifted, my neck rolling or my head bobbin' just like old times.  At church yesterday the praise team whipped out the oldie but goodie "Thank You Lord" and I could've sworn I was back in my bedroom in St. Louis about to begin my daily ritual of prayer.  It felt like Vicks warm and familiar.  Music has always had that affect on me.  It has the power to take me back, keep me grounded and carry my thoughts to a whole 'nother place!  Life has changed in all the best ways these past few months but I am so grateful to have MUSIC as that constant friend and companion.  Thanks GOD!

Lately I've been learning to appreciate every trial I've been through. Of course it's hard to say this in the middle of a storm, but now being able to see the sun again, I realize that it's all for my good. "And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

I'm stronger having gone through the bad relationships, losing loved ones, car accidents, not being as financially stable as I would like....etc. God has matured me and allowed me to build my character. I'm no longer insecure, but I'm confident in Him. Confident that no matter what I'm faced with, I know I can make it out better and even stronger than before. With every test there's a testimony, and with every testimony there's an opportunity to minister. My trials aren't just for me, but they are to encourage someone else.

1 Peter 4:12-13 "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy."


So during this holiday season, don't forget to remember all the great things (big and small) God has done for you.  Don't just talk about it, be about it! Live your life in gratitude to the creator of it all! 

 What are you thankful for? 
(comment below)

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Key to Determining Who to Date, Where to Move, What to Say (and pretty much any decision you'll ever make)

When deciding whether I should date my now husband, I consulted friends.  I consulted family. I even drew a Pros/Cons T chart, but I found myself lost.  Did I want to enter another relationship and possibly endure the pain I’d encountered before?  Did I want to put my heart on the line and end up disappointed?  I knew I had to be sure before moving forward, but I didn’t know what would ensure me.

After receiving counsel from a mentor, Bio and I went on a 30-day fast from each other to seek the Lord.  Yep, for me it was that serious.  I was addicted to my new found freedom in Christ and didn’t want anything or anyone to deter me.  The 30-day fast was to give me time to get over the drunkenness that I’d often feel after meeting someone I was attracted to.  It was to cure my blindness and help me make a conscious decision as to if this relationship was ordained by God or just me simply wanting a man.

Toward the end of the 30 days I felt no better than I did when I started.  I was still so confused.  Did my confusion mean it wasn’t God’s will?  I was at my wits end until the end of day 29.  As I fell asleep that night, I started to imagine the outcomes of both options when I heard God say as clear as can be “If it is my will, I will give you peace.”  ...Again confusion.  What does that mean?  Peace?  I knew what peace was, but I’d never paid much attention to what peace felt like. 

On day 31 Bio called me mid-afternoon. I was at a wedding preparing to sing, but in that moment I felt overjoyed.  I reminded myself God promised me peace not joy and that the two were not one in the same.  I told him I’d call him back later.  Late that night we spoke casually and caught each other up on our lives.  Then finally we got to the future of our relationship.  The elephant in the room was finally addressed and that’s when I felt what God had promised. 

Peace always accompanies the presence of God.  It is an overwhelming confidence that all is well. It is acknowledging the many issues in front of you and yet hearing God call you forward.   I’ve felt this many times in worship and in prayer, but never prior to entering a relationship.  Jesus told the disciples “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)  Peace will keep you calm in a storm and allow you to not only make rational decisions but to maintain your joy as you endure.  Without it you will be filled by doubt, regret, and fear, but with it you can dance in the rain!

Now I chase God’s peace about everything! I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything without the peace of God leading me.  I may not be able to explain the what, when, where, and why about the past or the future, but if God’s peace surrounds me I know everything will be alright.  In this pursuit, my objective is no longer to know the future.  My objective is no longer to figure out all the answers.  My objective is now to live in the presence of God and allow His presence to calm my fears with the ointment of peace. 

It now seems so appropriate for our feet to be “shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.”  Psalms 34:14 even says to “ peace and pursue it.”  And so I encourage you, no matter what decision you face, before deciding seek God’s peace.  Before taking another step in any given direction ask for the peace of God to lead you.  Trust that God, even on the 29th day,  will meet you where you are and give you a peace that surpasses your understanding.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Thou Shall Not Covet: Overcoming Envy

Just recently, my husband and I had a pretty convicting conversation.  It all started while studying the 10 commandments (sometimes you got to go back to the basics! Exodus 20).  We discussed each of their literal and theoretical meanings.  We noted how each holds so much relevance, even in today's society.  We agreed upon how necessary it was for God to establish a law and even talked about the Children of Israel's response.  Then my husband asked me which of the 10 do I struggle with the most.  After a careful consideration of them all, it surprised me to say covetousness (or envy).

It is so taboo to admit you are envious (I have to admit, I was quite ashamed), because no one wants to be "that" girl.  However, if you find yourself looking at people and comparing yourself to them or what they have, I'm sorry to inform you, but you may also have this struggle.  It's less about the people (or a person) and more about your dissatisfaction with what you have in comparison.

About 4 years ago I had a boot-leg camera, a strange hair do, and a message.  I dug this video up after our conversation because I knew I had once tackled this issue.  Even after so much time it really blessed me.  I hope it does the same for you!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

It’s More Than Just a Cool T-shirt

What’s worse than being sick? Living with the belief that there is no cure for your sickness. And what’s worse than that? Finding out too late that there existed a cure all along, but the people who knew of the cure kept quiet and did not share.

For those who don’t already know, I am currently living in Santiago, Chile (South America) teaching English abroad. In February of this year, I took a leap of faith, applied and was accepted as a new English volunteer. With the support of family and friends, I was able to depart for Chile in July of this year and I’ve been here ever since.

As I was preparing to leave, my prayer was always that God would show me the greater purpose that He had for my coming here. I knew there had to be one because my pastor had been teaching on becoming a world changer. At the beginning of the year we read the entire book of Acts as a church. I was feeling so inspired by Paul’s journey that I was pumped and motivated to take this great gospel with me into the “trenches” of Chile and share the message of Jesus Christ in Spanish! …Well, first of all, speaking Spanish and sharing the gospel message in Spanish with native speakers that talk faster than I can think are two totally different things. So needless to say, I have not been picking up preaching engagements in my spare time here.

So, Zebrina, what have you found to be your purpose, then? I’m glad you asked. Until recently, I still didn’t know for sure myself. I was beginning to conclude that I was only sent to teach English to these lovely Chilean students, then come home and show everyone all of the cool pictures I took while traveling. Then GOD began to speak to me. He had me to recall 3 things that have been happening here. First, He drew my attention to the fact that for the second time in a row, my host family placement has been with Jehovah witnesses. This is significant because both in Guatemala and here in Chile, I have watched these families get up faithfully on weekend mornings and go out to share their faith on a one-on-one basis with the people in their communities. Secondly, I recalled sitting in the park one day singing and playing my guitar when I was approached by 2 very young Mormon elders. They showed up with their materials in their backpacks all ready to tell me about Joseph Smith in Spanish. Part of the way into the conversation they asked and I told them that I was from the United States. They then disclosed that they were too, so we switched the conversation over to English. In this conversation, I learned that they were missionaries traveling through South America with the sole purpose of sharing the message of the Mormon church. So, they told me about Joe Smith and I told them about the Holy Spirit, they gave me a card and we parted ways. Neither of these two religious groups teach the gospel as I believe it to be, however, I am able to learn from both their examples. My third and final recollection was of the Evangelical Christian church that I have been attending while here in Chile. Yes, I decided to end with the plain ‘ol Bible-believing Christians. I go to church with the family of one of my students. The youth there have their own “Escuela Dominical” class on Sundays and on Saturdays they meet for training. Training? What are they being trained to do? They are being trained to go out and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in their communities. Last Saturday, after training they actually went out to put what they’ve been learning into practice. As they shared their experiences, the youth leader explained that it was good that everything didn’t go smoothly because it usually doesn’t, but each experience better prepares you for the next.

GOD brought all of these examples to my attention to show me that spreading the gospel is not just the job of the preacher behind the pulpit but it’s the task of all who have received this great gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. That means, you and me. He showed me that I need to make it my business to verbally share the gospel with others. He didn’t save me just so that I could lead praise and worship on Sunday mornings and never speak to anyone about GOD during the week. He didn’t equip me with a second language so that I could just teach in a public school and enjoy a Spanish movie every now and then. And he didn’t allow me to reach the age that I’ve reached just so that I could feel old enough to tell my students and other youth what to do and never equip them for the main tasks that Jesus told us to carry out.

Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Luke 15:16) The ‘Walk the Talk’ t-shirt has it’s foundation in “The Great Commission”. He said, “go” and “preach”. Well, going requires walking and preaching requires talking. At least 3 times since I’ve been here, I’ve been asked “Qué significa ‘walk the talk’?” (“What does ‘walk the talk’ mean?”) I always explain it like this: It’s a reminder to God’s people to not just tell people what the Bible says, but to live how the Bible teaches us to live. You know, “Let your light so shine…” right? (Matt 5:16) But the phrase in itself indicates that there is definitely talking involved. Otherwise, we need to make a t-shirt that says, “Walk the Secret Cure and Wait for Somebody to Ask You About It”. Now, first of all, that is way too long for a t-shirt. Secondly, the Bible says, “Go ye…” and I am compelled to go. Who’s with me? We have the cure to a sickness called sin. Let’s share it.

Now, I’d like to finish with some cheesy but relevant rhyming clichés because I’m just funny like that.

“Don’t just wear it, share it!”

“If I can’t hear you talking, how can I tell what you’re walking?” (lol)
